Creating a rainbow map of Brazil for Pride month in R
To celebrate Pride month with my friends, I’d like to share this piece of code in R to create a rainbow map of Brazil using data from the geobr package.
df <- read_municipality(year=2018)
centrd <- st_centroid(df)
centrd <- sfheaders::sf_to_df(centrd, fill=T)
df$position <- centrd$y + centrd$x
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=df, aes(fill=position), color=NA) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rainbow(10)) +
theme_void() +
theme(legend.position = "none",
plot.title = element_markdown(color='#fe6700', size=7, hjust = 0.5),
plot.caption = element_markdown(color='gray70', size=4)) +
labs(title= '#PrideMonth',
caption='map by @UrbanDemog #geobr')
ggsave('pridemonth.png', dpi=300, width = 5, height=5, units='cm')