Major release of r5r v1.0.0

A new major release of r5r v1.0.0 is now on CRAN. This version has many new goodies for those doing routing and accessibility analysis in multimodal transport networks in #rstats.

Read this post for 6 highlights or the full changelog here:

  1. Perhaps the most exciting news: Now you can use #r5rstats to account for💰 monetary costs💰in the functions travel_time_matrix(), accessibility() and detailed_itineraries(). Full details here. This is a game changer for transportation equity research
  1. New pareto_frontier() function to find multiple path alternatives considering trade-offs between travel time ⏱️ & monetary costs 💰, making it easy to use the method developed by Matthew Bhagat-Conway and Anson Stewart in this paper. Check the detailed vignette on how to use the function here.
  1. If you want more info for your travel matrix, the new expanded_travel_time_matrix(breakdown = T) function also returns the transit routes taken + several other info such as number of transfers & total access, waiting, in-vehicle & transfer times. Details here.

  2. The detailed_itineraries() function is much faster 🚀 and substantially improved ! It now includes the parameters:

    • suboptimal_minutes to find a larger set of suboptimal routes
    • all_to_all to routes between all origins to all destinations
    • max_fare to account for monetary costs
  1. The output of the street_network_to_sf() function now includes more information on street segments, such as osm_id, level of traffic stress (LTS), max car speed, and type of street

  2. Finally, we’ve added the output_dir parameter to all routing & accessibility functions. It allows one to save the outputs as .csv files (one file per origin), which is particularly useful for computers with limited RAM. It also makes r5r even faster 🚀🔥

Please mind you that the new r5r v1.0.0 also has a few breaking changes, which are all documented in the changelog. Huge thanks to all co-developers, specially Marcus Saraiva and Daniel Herszenhut for their major contributions to this new release!

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